It must first be stated that at Saint Augustine Catholic School, religion is not a subject confined to religion class but one which permeates all that we do as a school. It is at the heart of our teaching mission. Why? Because when Jesus commissioned his apostles to “Go and make disciples...and teach them“ (Matthew 28:19-20) he defined the role and purpose of the Church and by extension, our Parish School as well. Having said this, however, Religion Class is a subject in its own right and serves a specific purpose of not only education but edification; not just information but transformation. We teach our children that the heart of Christianity is a relationship. In this way, we teach religion not only so they will know more about God but that they would discover that they can actually get to know God personally.
Through our standard’s based curriculum set by the Archdiocese of Washington, each grade receives instruction at a level appropriate to their age and ability to understand. We go about this in four ways:
Specifically, Pre-K to 3rd grade students will be introduced to the Knowledge of Faith curriculum which includes understanding the Creed, prayer, the Sign of the Cross, the Holy Trinity, the seven sacraments, the Mass, and the liturgical colors and seasons. 4th– 8th graders will master the creed, the Trinitarian nature of God, the work and mission of Christ, liturgy, the sacraments, sacred scripture, Christian morality and prayers.While all receive instruction about our Catholic Faith, no one is ever forced or coerced to embrace our beliefs. As a Catholic School we are obligated to share our faith with our students regardless of background or creed and we do so not only with respect but also with immense joy!