Saint Augustine is committed to excellence in mathematics. With the establishment of a Mathematics Department, we have developed and implemented a strategic plan to enhance math instruction, curriculum, student comprehension and outcomes, and we are seeing the results. We administer the standardized MAPS test in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of each school year. We are proud to announce that we have students that have scored in the top 5% nationally, at every grade level we test. The success that we have experienced has prompted us to form Math Labs to reach and challenge every Saint Augustine student no matter what percentile he or she falls in.Once we receive the Fall testing results, and after the classroom teacher has had time to evaluate the students strengths and weaknesses, consultation is held between the teacher and the Math Department Chair to assign each student to a math enrichment program (Math Lab). Math Lab is mandatory for each student twice a week. Parents are notified mid-way through the first quarter of their child’s assignment to a math lab. The Saint Augustine School Mathematics program is built on the foundation of effective vertical alignment.